Ramadhan is different
First of all, let’s thank to Allah who has given us an opportunity to
come and do our Jumat prayer in this place. without taufiq and hidayah from
Him, we won’t be able to come here evenn though we are healthy enough to do so,
because the Taufiq is the most important thing that allow servant to
worshipping Allah SWT. Allah SWT also has granted us so many nikmat. among
those nikmat, being a muslim and a mukmin is the most valuable nikmat that we
have in this life. therefore, we have to always ask Allah to keep iman and
islam in our heart and soul until we come back to Allah SWT.
Allah SWT says in Qur’an Surat Al ‘imran verses 102:
the meaning could be interpreted as:
“O you who
have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as
Muslim [in submission to Him]”
Secondly, let’s ask Allah SWT to send our shalawat and salam (peace
and salutation) to the greatest creature in the world, the most noble person
and the leader of the prophets, Rasulullah Muhammad SAW. He has brought us from
the darkness to the brightness. He told us how to live this life successfully
before we meet our Lord, Allah SWT. He also has taught us how to maximise our
ibadah especially during the great month of Ramadhan in the next couple days.
Therefore, let’s always ask Allah to give us a great opportunity to face this
coming Ramadhan, and prepare our best including physical, mental and wealth, so
we will not lose the great opportunity during the blessing month of Ramadhan.
My Dear Brothers in Islam,
In this glorious occasion, I would like to encourage my self and all
jamaah to always increase our Taqwa to Allah SWT. literally, Taqwa mean fear of
Allah. the ulama interpreted the meaning of taqwa as the one have taw protect
themselves from what Allah has prohibited and act upon what He has commanded.
My dear brothers in Islam,
since we are about to enter the holy month of ramadhan, today I would
like to deliver the khutbah entitled “Ramadhan is different”.
Fasting [shaum] as any other ibada [ritual] is done in
hope to please Allah swt. However according to Al-Ghazali, there are two
important things that make fasting different and those are; first, fasting is
sir (secret) ibada which only known to the doer and Allah swt. Meanwhile other
ibada such as shalah [praying], zakah, hajj and so on can be seen by other
creatures. Fasting has higher sincere value because it cannot be measured/seen
by anyone except Allah swt. That was pointed in hadith qudsi: kullu amali
ibni Adama lahu illash shawma, fainnahu lii wa ana ajzi bihi (every deed of
human is for himself except fasting. Fasting is for Me, and I will [be the one
who] give the rewards).
The phrase “fasting is for Allah” does not mean that He
needs human deeds. It means the glory and the value of fasting cannot be
measured by human. While other ibada such as shalah was stated that who perform
shalah fardz [obligatory praying] gets one reward, if praying collectively [in
jamaah], he will get reward from 25 to 27 levels. Different with fasting, there
are no limit [or measure] in fasting.
In this context, Rasulullah [saw] said: kullu hasanatin
bi’asyari amtsaliha ila sab’imiati dhi’fin illash shiyama fa innahu lii wa
ana ajzii bihi [every good deeds
will be rewarded ten to seven hundred times except fasting. Fasting is for Me
and I will [be the one who] reward it. The messenger of Allah described that
those who perform fasting perfectly will enter to Jannah [paradise] through
rayyan door. “lil jannati babun yuqaalu lahu ar-rayyan laa yadkhulu illash
shaimun..” (Jannah has one door called al-rayyan, no one will enter through it
except those who fast).
As the highest appreciation, any accessory that accompany
those who fast will be considered as ibada, even sleep [will be considered as
ibada]. Nawmatus shaim shadaqah (sleep of people who fast is ibada).
This is the minimum activity (rest) to obtain the reward. By mafhum
muawafaqah (linear understanding), it is understood that even sleep was
given reward, moreover reciting Al-Quran, tadarus, helping people and so on.
Fasting in other word is as causa prima [prime cause] that elevate the level of
human which in religious term is called barakah. Barakah is obtained as the
minimum deeds that is done. For example the barakah of Ramadhan is [rewards of]
obligatory ibada is multipled by 70 times compared to normal day, while
[rewards of] sunnah ibada is upgraded to [the level of rewards of] obligatory
ibada. Climax of Baraka is marked with laylatul qadar (the sacred/glorious
night) where ibada in that night valued as [ibada for] a thousand months (84 years).
On the other hand people who does not sincere in fasting
will be not be rewarded or fruitless fasting. Rasulullah stated that “man
lam yada’ qawlaz Zuur wal amal bihi fa laysa lillaahi haajatun fi an yada’
tha’amuh wasyarabah (HR Jama’ah)” (whoever does not leave bad saying and
bad deeds then Allah do not have any importance toward (that man) leaving
eating and drinking).
Total Self control of daily activities is the basic
principle of fasting.
Aspect of sincerity and totality in fasting are the prerequisite
in getting the extraordinary reward. It is obligated because Ramadhan is
positioned as syahrur tarbiyah (month of edification [education])
Second, fasting is ibadah li ‘aduwwallah
(subjugator of enemy of Allah swt). According to Al-Ghazali, the means that are
used by shaytan in tempting human is syahwat. Syahwat will strengthen by eating
and drinking. That Satanism potential (?) in every human will lit faster with
food and drink that are consumed by human, especially when [consumed] without
[abiding to] religious norms. This latent threat is mentioned in a hadith: asy-syaitan
yajri min ibni Adam majrad dam shaytan is flowing in human through blood
In this context, fasting is [a] need, not just [an]
obligation. Naturally, fasting is done by humankind through ages. Moreover,
even animals are fasting as a natural need. Metamorphosis of caterpillar to
butterfly is done in fasting so it creates a butterfly with beautiful colors, super-fine
in its form, and so on.
The second secret of fasting greatly influences health of
body and mind of human. Healthy body contributes to replacement of broken
cells. Fasting is akin to service station for motorbike or car. After
comprehensive services [in] Ramadhan, human ‘machine’ becomes fresh and the
movement is more comfortable than before.
From the creature experience, fasting for human might also
improve beauty. The beauty is not only physical, but also inner beauty which
differentiates human and any other creatures. Furthermore, during fasting is
mustajab time to pray [make du’a] to Allah for all human needs. Actually there
are three times where any du’a will be granted by Allah swt which are during
safar [traveling], when being oppressed, and during fasting. Du’a itself is an
inner expression to show dependency to
The Highest Being that with it human feel calm and tranquil
Rasulullah saw stated: inna lish shaimi ‘inda fithrihi
da’watun la yuradd (verily those who fast have a time when breaking fast
where his du’a would not be rejected). Opportunity to make du’a and to munajat
(?) to Allah are among the virtue that were given to those who do fasting.
Logically, the more opportunity the du’a accepted then the bigger chance to
achieve success in his life in dunya and akhirah.
This need that was being practiced by the messengers
‘alayhim-salam. Adam as had done fasting three days every month, while Daud as
practiced fasting no less than six months in a year by fasting for a day and
not fasting for a day [alternatively]. Routinity of fasting still being an
important pillar in time of Rasulullah saw.
Therefore, let us prepare our body and soul for the
upcoming ramadhan, so that we can maximize our effort to get the reward from
Allah swt.
#khutbah disampaikan pada 5 juni 2016 di Matraville, New South Wales, Australia.
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